Sunday, October 4, 2009


I've noticed over the past few days that I conclude a lot of conversations/meetings with people by saying "I love you". I don't think I used to do this; this isn't normal.

Is it good?


  1. As long as its genuine, then yes :)
    You're just opening a new chapter of conversation suffixes. (I don't know if that can be plural haha)

  2. :) Hmmm I hope so. But I wonder: does all truth have to be vocalized? Does verbalizing something sometimes detract from it?

  3. Hm...

    I think that's a sort of idealistic view, that verbalizing something is extraneous, that love should be *done*, and not said.

    I'm not sure vocalization actually detracts from it, except in the case where the words are spoken in hypocrisy. I think the vocalization is good - if you're love them, remind them so.

  4. Perhaps it means you're getting older, & wiser? Might be that you're taking inventory of the things that actually matter, & thats how you display it. It should be implied, but if everyone thought like that, who'd say it. Me & plenty of my friends our age (I'm 32) tell each other that when we part ways. Hell, we love each other! Eff the world if they don't get it...
